CNBC Commercial: Capturing Global Challenges

It’s always fun to stumble across our media in the market. Here’s a nice spot created by Lonely Leap Films that used Mr. Pelican’s wind turbine landscape (Image Location: Judith Gap, Montana). For complete credits visit:

About the spot:

Condensing the motivations of a global institution into a thirty-second spot can be a tremendous challenge. But by blending the visionary words of world leaders with footage from the frontlines of the World Economic Forum’s work, Lonelyleap was able to produce a powerful commercial for the Forum’s AMNC. Airing on primetime slots on CNBC, the trailer highlighted the essence of the upcoming debate as well as the major themes that would fuel it. -Lonely Leap Films

  • Broadcast on CNBC in China and Europe
  • Over-subscribed applications to attend event
  • Arresting graphics treatment that shaped the creative approach for the event

Screen shot 2013-08-26 at 8.59.22 AM



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